donderdag 5 januari 2012

News from South-Africa

The lovely lady has been living in my home for a while now.

Life has been a little demanding and the grasshoppers eat my days, so I have sorely neglected my charming guest. Also, I do not know how to use facebook and those in my family that do are so impatient with my trogoladite self that I have given up. We also do not have a camera, so I cannot show you how the lady lolls in Africa. Cellphone reception is dodgy here, and really beyond my pocket, so I have the the most primitive one for 'nood en dood' when I am away from home. People are forever sending me stuff I cannot open/view.

Upsa (we have been addressing each other on familiar terms) and I (she calls me Daisy) have long conversations. Life can often only be understood by comparing, and she says what I am apologetic about (my primitive lifestyle, my lack of technological know-how, the absence of money, my extended family with needs I am constantly not managing to meet) has been an adventure for her.

So! That makes me feel much better. She has been a little ray of sunshine in my life. When we were young my husband and I had a tandem bicycle, and wherever we went people sang "Daisy, daisy give me your answer do. I'm half crazy all for the love of you. It won't be a stylish marriage; I cant afford a carriage. But you'd look sweet on the seat of a bicycle made for two."

So you see her name for me is appropriate. Apart from her many other talents, she is very intuitive. Her only complaint is that she has been a little lonely. She is SUCH a social being!!! That is very odd, as my home is usually GRAND CENTRAL STATION for the whole world. However, life is not neat and predictable, and she understands. She also has a compassionate heart. I promised to find her a good home to go to, and wish her well on her journey.

Suenel Holloway.
South Africa    

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